Welcome to our website!

We at TMSPHA are taking a regional approach to heritage by involving a collection of Towns, Rural Municipalities, Métis Locals and concerned citizens.

We work cooperatively to protect heritage sites, collect and share stories, attract visitors and promote creative and partnered economic development.

As time elapses the older stories and sites get covered by the new, and so we’re making extra effort to uncover those deeper layers.

We’re hoping to find a blend in which everyone in the region will recognize their heritage as being central to the past, present and future.

Scene showing Boissevain's first mill.

News / Events

Vantage Points Radio Broadcasts

The Vantage Points stories that have been broadcast on CJRB are on Discover Westman…

Hear them come to life…

Resources for Schools

We offer collections of resources on topics requested by teachers. Visit our Programs page for a list of what we have available for you.

Learn more..

Vantage Points Resources

Delve into our extensive list of Vantage Points Resources

Check them out…

Vantage Points V

Our sixth edition is coming soon. Watch this page.

Geocache Update

Visit our Geocache Page – 28 Sites, Confirmed Coordinates!

Start your adventure…


Teyana Neufeld has produced a series of Podcasts based on interviews with some local notable people…

Access them here…