[Route] — Access: Publicly Visible
(1907-1976) The CPR from Lauder continued to Tilston in 1907. A flood in the spring of 1976 took out the bridge at Bernice along with some of the track, which brought an end to the use of this Branch.
[Route] — Access: Publicly Accessible
After much hard work, locals in Waskada convinced the CPR to build a rail line southwest of Deloraine. It reached as far as Waskada in 1900.
[Route] — Access: Publicly Accessible
(1892) Work on a rail line past Deloraine was finally started, and headed to Napinka which displeased farmers in Melita.
[Site] — Access: Unknown or Not Applicable
(1914 – 1974) Croll was a station on the “Blue Flea” Line (CPR). Its Manitoba Pool elevator held 77 000 bushels.
[Site] — Access: Unknown or Not Applicable
(At least 1891- at least 1923) Cuthbert school moved to present location. Cuthbert school was also struck by lightning twice.
[Site] — Access: Unknown or Not Applicable
This store was technically in North Dakota, but it was closer for the Metigoshe Metis Community to buy staple groceries here than to go to Deloraine.
[Site] — Access: Unknown or Not Applicable
(1793) The Dakota were opposed to the fur trade in the Souris basin and wanted the Assiniboine to stop trading with the fur traders. During a battle held in this approximate location, the Dakota wiped out an entire Assiniboine village.
[Site] — Access: Unknown or Not Applicable
(1876) After the Battle of Little Bighorn in South Dakota, the victorious Dakota camped temporarily on the western end of Turtle Mountain in Canada.