A collection of pioneer-era displays that fill six heritage buildings.
OPEN: Jul-Aug and by appointment.
ADMISSION: Adult-$4 Students-$2 Preschool-Free
PHONE: 204-673-2503, 204-673-2557
VISIT: http://www.waskada.ca/pages/Museum.htm
(10,000 BC - Present) The unique environment provided by the Lauder Sandhills attracted bison, which appealed to the early peoples who came to camp and live there.
This protected prairie hilltop above the Boissevain reservoir is often covered with prairie flowers. It is a peaceful spot to observer the surrounding wildlife.
Newcomb's Hollow is a pretty spot where a small interpretive centre for the Old Deloraine Land Titles Office has been built with a replica of the old Office.
(1880 – 1886) Homesteaders in southwestern Manitoba had to first make their way to the Old Deloraine Land Titles Office, managed by George Newcomb, to register land claims.
The Manitoba Department of Natural Resources, Turtle Mountain Conservation District and Ducks Unlimited Canada jointly developed a wildlife viewing facility adjacent to the newly completed Ducks Unlimited project at Whitewater Lake.