Geographic Feature: CPR-Lyleton Branch to Waskada


After much hard work, locals in Waskada convinced the CPR to build a rail line southwest of Deloraine. It reached as far as Waskada in 1900.


The fight to build and keep a rural railway line 1900-1966 CPR Monopoly No single event changed the fate of Western Canada more than the coming of the railroad. In 1881 the Canadian Pacific Railway Company (CPR) received a charter to link the east and west coasts of Canada with tracks of iron. In addition to receiving a monopoly on the main transcontinental line, the CPR was also given the right and responsibility to build branch lines 80 kms to either side of the main line. No other Canadian company was permitted to build a branch line inside CPR territory, …
(1967 - Present) The Waskada Museum presents an impresseive array of pioneer artifacts that sprawl over 1,100 square metres and five buildings.