Features Listed by Theme: European Settlement: Pre Railroad


Yellow Quill Trail – still visible
The Yellow Quill trail is still visible in this location.
Whitewater School
Yellow Quill Trail Continues
Yellowquill Trail continues west from this point. It meets up with the Carleton Trail at present-day Portage la Prairie.
Beckoning Hills Museum
Look at life through the eyes of a prairie pioneer at the Beckoning Hills Museum.
Boundary Trail Visible - Sourisford
(1873) The Boundary Commissioner Trail is still visible in this location. It is used by a local farmer to run cattle down to the Souris River.
(1880-1906) Butterfield served as a stopping place along the Boundary Commission Trail and later (1884) as the area's first post office. The building for the office was the home of Dr. Dann, a veterinarian.
Coal Discovered-1879
(1879) The first lignite coal to be discovered in Manitoba occurred nearby Wakopa.
Corner of Manitoba
Manitoba’s borders were extended to reach the present-day Manitoba/Saskatchewan border in 1881.
Coulter Park
Coulter Park is the site of the longest running annual picnic. Ever since 1882 it has been used as a recreational facility.
Desford Townsite
Dodd's Store
(1880) Dodd's Store (operated by Mr. Kingdon in 1885) was the first store on the site of what would become the community of Adelpha. The store was a stopping place along the Boundary Commission Trail.
Fletcher Store
A small general store existed here for some time, it was owned by Fletcher Shillington, a bachelor.
Errol School
(After 1882- about 1887)
First Settler Shanty in Southwest Manitoba
(1879) Two brothers, Oliver and Herb Smith, were the first permanent homesteaders in the south-west, before the section, township and range system of surveying the land was implemented.
Fox Sawmill
(1881 – 1884) Thomas L. Fox was an early settler in the Wakopa area. He received a logging licence early in 1881.
Grande Clairière
(1888 – Present) A Catholic priest from France established a parish and community here.
Hazeldean School #1
(May 1, 1884-1966) Hazeldean School moved from the first site to the second and present site.
Hazeldean School #2
(May 1,1884-1966) Hazeldean School moved from previous location to present location.
Hernefield School #1
(1885-1918) In 1918 Hernefield moved to present location.
Hunter Blacksmith Shop
A small blacksmith shop, perhaps 10’ by 10’ was opened by Archie Hunter who came from Ontario in 1890. He moved his business into Lauder when the railway was built.
Lake William
(1880s) There is a unique story behind how this lake got its name.
(1891) Two of the CPR lines met at Lauder in a “T” junction.
Lauder Sandhills
(10,000 BC - Present) The unique environment provided by the Lauder Sandhills attracted bison, which appealed to the early peoples who came to camp and live there.
Lennox-Goodlands School
Lennox Mine
(1883) The Lennox Coal Mine was the first commercial coal mine in Manitoba. It's location is not exact.
Lime Kiln
(1890 - 1892) Lime Kiln. Not much is known about this site, other than that it existed. It is unknown whether it produced lime for local markets or for export.
(1881 – 1890) The town of Manchester moved to the railway when it came through the area and was renamed Melita.
Maple Grove School
(At least 1883- June 1967) Building still stand on original site as of 1981.
Melgund Cemetery
Melgund Cemetery. Several headstones still exist on the site.
Melgund Post Office
(1884 - 1899) The first post office in the area. Prior to its existence mail was brought from Brandon or Souris by anyone who happened to go there.
Melgund School
(At least 1885-1962)
Menota Post Office
(1882 – 1920) The townsite of Moberly on the shore of Whitewater Lake was promoted as a resort town. It turned out to be a giant land swindle and the town never materialized.
(1880 – 1885) Montifiore began as a stopping place on the Boundary Commission Trail. A rural school and gravel road were named after it.
Montefiore School #1
Montefiore School #2
(1885-1966) Montefiore school moved from its previous location to present location.
Morton Sawmill
(1882 – 1988) George Morton bought this sawmill from Mr. Bolton. It sat on the shore of Lake Max until a forest fire destroyed much of the available timber. It continued operations to the north.
Napinka School
(1884-1975) Napinka School was closed from 1893-1894.
Newcomb's Hollow
Newcomb's Hollow is a pretty spot where a small interpretive centre for the Old Deloraine Land Titles Office has been built with a replica of the old Office.
Ninga Post Office
Began operating in 1884
Old Deloraine
(1882 – 1886) Old Deloraine was established just north of the Land Titles Office, but moved when the railway came through the area.
Old Deloraine Cemetery
(1881) The area's very first permanent pioneers were laid to rest in this scenic cemetery.
Old Deloraine Land Titles Office
(1880 – 1886) Homesteaders in southwestern Manitoba had to first make their way to the Old Deloraine Land Titles Office, managed by George Newcomb, to register land claims.
Old Wakopa
(1877 – 1886) The first town in the southwest. Bernard B. LaRiviere established a home and store which serviced the first settlers coming west along the Boundary Commission Trail.
Old Wakopa Cemetery
(1880) The Old Wakopa Cemetery is the resting place of some of the earliest homesteaders of the Turtle Mountain region.
Old Wassewa
(1885) George Morton established a store and stopping place at this location. The store was moved to the present site of Boissevain where it became the town's first building.
Pancake Lake
(1880) The early Dominion Government placed four shelters at this spot for the convenience of travellers. It became a regular stopping place for settlers heading west.
Princess School
(At least 1885-1958) In 1958 Princess School consolidated with Waskada.
Sam Smith Saw Mill
Sourisapolis (Souris City)
(1882 – 1916) A few real estate agents sold lots trying to promote the town of Sourisapolis, but a town was never built here.
A long history surrounds this Souris River crossing place. Where the Boundary Commission Trail crossed the river is still visible.
South Antler School #1
(1884-1914) South Antler School was destroyed in a fire and closed for a year. In 1915 it moved to the second and present location.
St. Claude Cemetery
(1882-1887) Depressions mark several of the 47 graves recorded at the site.
St Claude Mission
(1882-1887) This mission was founded by Father John Malo. Later the parish grew as Metis families moved in from the Red River Settlement. The mission was moved to St John's when the railway came through.
Swaffam School
Turtle Mountain City
(1882) Turtle Mountain City existed for not even a year before the town of Waubeesh appeared not a mile to the north.
(1883 – 1887) Waubeesh flourished where Turtle Mountain City did not, but only for a few years before being bypassed by the railroad.
Webb School
(At least 1884- about 1892) Webb School became Hartney School.
West Brenda School
(1882-1949) Closed from January 1936 to the fall of 1937.
West Lake School #1
(1885-1961) In 1918 West Lake School moved to second and present location.
Whitewater Lake
Whitewater Lake was an important natural feature to yesterday's earliest peoples and provides a safe haven for today's birds and wildlife.


Boiler Trail
(1880 – 1885) The Boiler Trail provided a detour around the muddiest section of the Boundary Commission Trail.
Boundary Commission Trail
(Pre 1600 - 1885) The Boundary Commission Trail was the first “highway” to the west, carrying First Nations to and fro, Métis on buffalo hunts and finally Europeans looking for rich farmland.


George Morton's Cheese Project
(1882 – 1883) George Morton launched a cheese-making project west of Whitewater Lake. He may have been successful if he hadn't overlooked a couple key factors . . .